Sunday, September 20, 2009

Georgia Rule

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Rebellious teenager Rachel Wilcox (Lindsay Lohan) screams, swears, and drinks; she is, in a word, uncontrollable. With her latest car crash, Rachel has broken the final rule in her mother Lilly’s (Felicity Huffman) San Francisco home. With nowhere else to take the impulsive and rambunctious girl, Lilly hauls her daughter to the one place to which she had sworn she would never return: her own mother’s house in Idaho. Matriarch Georgia Randall (Jane Fonda) lives her life by a number of unbreakable rules — God comes first and hard work comes a very close second — and wants anyone who shares her home do the same. She will make anyone who swears or takes the Lord’s name in vain hold soap in their mouth for an hour. Now saddled with raising the young woman, it will require each patient breath she takes to understand Rachel’s fury.

Georgia arranges a job for Rachel as the office girl of Dr. Simon Ward (Dermot Mulroney), the local veterinarian, who also unofficially treats people. His two nephews Sam and Ethan are often at Georgia’s house. Simon does not show interest in Rachel or other women, so she thinks he is gay. However, Simon’s sister Paula (Laurie Metcalf) reveals that he is still mourning the death of his wife and son who were killed in a car collision three years earlier. He refuses to have sex with Rachel even when she tries to seduce him, but feels some passion for her mother Lilly, whom he has dated in the past.

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